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10 Year ISS Anniversary

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Tagged As: ISS, NASA, and Space

The International Space Station (ISS) has been orbiting over the Earth for 10 years since it's first component was launched by the Russians. It remains the largest, man-made object ever put into space and on occasion can be seen by the naked eye. NASA seems to have an odd way of celebrating the space station's decade of service. The current space shuttle Endeavour mission is bringing the station's residents a new beverage machine. But instead of a cold beer from Earth, NASA is delivering a distilled urine-water from their new liquid recycling hardware. Treated water tasters indicate a hint of iodine, "Other than that, it is just as refreshing as any other kind of water ... I've got some in my fridge. It tastes fine to me."

In other NASA news, space walking astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper lost her tools. After squirting grease into her toolbag, she attempted to clean out the bag whereupon it floated away into space. The astronauts were greasing the joints on the ISS's solar array at the time.

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