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Hak5 Pineapple Mark VII Endless Setup Loop

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Tagged As: hacking, how to, and pineapple

Perhaps you acquired a new Hak5 Pineapple Mark VII and became frustrated at never getting past the initial setup. I honestly nearly wrote the device off after it entered an endless setup loop complaining that setup failed. When the new firmware was released and it continued to loop, I figured there had to be something else to the problem.

Fortunately the fix is relatively easy. Go through the setup normally. When the UI indicates that setup failed, don't click the blue "Begin Setup" link again. Your configurations really are saved on the device. Instead, ssh into the Pineapple and then delete the /etc/pineapple/setup_required file as shown below.

Once that file is erased, change from the automatically populated setup URL address to the usual address.

ssh root@
root@'s password:

BusyBox v1.30.1 () built-in shell (ash)

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     \/  \/   |_|_|    |_| |_|   |_|_| |_|\___|\__,_| .__/| .__/|_|\___|
----------------------------------------------------| |-- | |-----------------
 * Firmware Version: 1.1.1                          |_|   |_|  Mark VII
 * Documentation:
 * Community:  * Interface:

root@mk7:~# cd /etc

root@mk7:/etc# cd pineapple

root@mk7:/etc/pineapple# ls
booting               changelog             pineap_mode           report-template.html
button_script        pineape.db            setup_required  filters.db            pineapple.db          update_channel
campaigns             ouis                  previous_clients.db   version

root@mk7:/etc/pineapple# rm setup_required

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