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gaan weg jou boerekind - [edit]
Pronounced ghaan vegh yo boe-re-kinnd
Literally go away you white trash farmer
Gaan weg jou boerekind trug na jou owers wat familie is Go away jou homo back to your parents who are blood related

jou ma se poes! - [edit]
Pronounced yo ma suh pooos
Literally you're mother's pussy
Dave, jou ma se poes! (Literal translation being Dave, your mother's cunt!) Gaan vlieg in jou ma se poes (Literal translation being Go fly into your mother's vagina)

jy is fokken mal! - [edit]
Pronounced jhay is fokhun mahl!
Literally you are fucking crazy
Dude, jy is fokken mal. (Dude, you are fucking crazy.. to do something or say something or whatever)

kaffer - [edit]
Pronounced ka-fer
Literally this is a racial slur

moffje / moffie - [edit]
Pronounced moff-ee
Literally queer; also an offensive term towards homosexuals. not sure if its being reclaimed.

vat 'n hap van my pipi - [edit]
Pronounced faatt - nn - haap faan mei peepee
Literally fuck off
vat 'n hap van my pipi jou fokken moffje fuck of you fucking queer

wys my jou lemoene - [edit]
Pronounced veis - mei - yo - lem-ohne
Literally you are cute
Wys my jou lemoene jou klein kaffirtje You are cute you little hunnybun

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