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Do you know a curse, swear or insult that is not listed here? Please take a moment and add your insult or add your language to the database to improve international relations.

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du lugter dårligt. har du menustruation? - [edit]
Pronounced doo locter dorelit. har doo menustruatioon?
Literally you smell bad. do you have menustruation?

du pisser mig ned af nakken - [edit]
Pronounced doo pesser may neth a narken
Literally you piss me down the back
to someone who is treating you badly

flaprefisse - [edit]
Pronounced flapre fis
Literally flapping vagina (with long labile)

jeg knepper din mor - [edit]
Pronounced ya kneppe din more
Literally i fuck your mother.

lille lort - [edit]
Pronounced lile lord
Literally little shit
one of the most common insults

mudderkusse - [edit]
Pronounced muther kuse
Literally muddy vagina
An untrustworthy woman.

rend mig i røven - [edit]
Literally run me in the ass
To tell people you don't care about them/what they say.

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