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balliyo - [edit] |
Pronounced |
bal-leo |
Literally |
bitches |
Practical Usage |
Singular : balli ; Pronunciation : bal+li
bijja - [edit] |
Pronounced |
bij-jer |
Literally |
testicle |
Practical Usage |
thoge bijja kapanawa (I will chop off your testicle) |
hakuna matata - [edit] |
Pronounced |
ha-ku-na-m-a-t-a-ta |
Literally |
no worries |
haminenawa - [edit] |
Pronounced |
hae-mi-ne-na-waa |
Literally |
having sex |
huthiga putha - [edit] |
Pronounced |
hooth-thig-aye pooth-tha |
Literally |
son of a whore |
huththaa - [edit] |
Pronounced |
hooth-thar |
Literally |
cunt |
Practical Usage |
ado huththaa (oi, cunt) |
kari - [edit] |
Pronounced |
kae-ri |
Literally |
cum |
keri balla - [edit] |
Pronounced |
ki-ri bal-la |
Literally |
lactating bitch |
kimbisiba - [edit] |
Pronounced |
kimbi -siba |
Literally |
cuntlicker |
kolukaraya - [edit] |
Pronounced |
ko-lu-kaa-ra-yaa |
Literally |
a gay man |
lolla - [edit] |
Pronounced |
lol-laa |
Literally |
feminine man |
molay pokay? - [edit] |
Pronounced |
mol-aye poo-kayer |
Literally |
is your brain in your arse? |
Practical Usage |
alternative pronunciation (cleaner pronunciation *): "molay pukey" |
paka - [edit] |
Pronounced |
pa-ker |
Literally |
penis |
para ballaa - [edit] |
Pronounced |
pa-rer bal+laa |
Literally |
fucking dog |
Practical Usage |
Change according to gender of addressee; Balla = dog, Balli/ belli = bitch. (See entry for bitch) |
ponnaya - [edit] |
Pronounced |
po-n-na-yaa |
Literally |
a eunuch (to a male) |
puka - [edit] |
Pronounced |
poo-ker |
Literally |
ass |
puka sududa - [edit] |
Pronounced |
puka sududa |
Literally |
is your ass white |
thoge amma ge puka mara podi yako - [edit] |
Pronounced |
aa-p-pa daa-na-waa |
Literally |
your mums pussy is small demon |
wesi - [edit] |
Pronounced |
wae-se |
Literally |
whore |
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