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Megamillions Pattern Analysis

As of 28 October 2017, the MegaMillions lottery changed to use 5 balls ranging from 1 to 70 followed by a sixth MegaBall ranging from 1 to 25. This historical analysis spans the current MegaMillions configuration with 768 drawings spanning from October 31, 2017 through the drawing on March 7, 2025. Check back on this page regularly for the latest, dynamically generated historical analysis following each new drawing.

Fifth Ball Patterns

After looking at the behavior of the numbers in aggregate, the occurrence of numbers respective to their stratification was analyzed. On this page, you will find an analysis of the most frequently winning numbers for the fifth stratification. This positional analysis focused on how the numbers fit within their sorted, stratified position, not their actual drawn order which does not matter.

Return to the main page for more MegaMillions strategies and number statistics.

Appearing 7.16% of the time, the number 70 has won 55 times. Ball 70's number of appearances puts it 1.8 deviations above the mean.
Appearing 7.03% of the time, the number 66 has won 54 times. Ball 66's number of appearances puts it 1.7546 deviations above the mean.
Appearing 6.12% of the time, the number 64 has won 47 times.
Appearing 6.12% of the time, the number 69 has won 47 times.
Appearing 5.34% of the time, the number 68 has won 41 times.
Appearing 5.21% of the time, the number 67 has won 40 times.
Appearing 4.56% of the time, the number 62 has won 35 times.
Appearing 4.17% of the time, the number 65 has won 32 times.

NOTE: Remember, the historical occurence of numbers is NO GUARANTEE of continued performance or future occurence. While players have a 1 in 15 chance of winning a prize, the mathematical odds of winning the MegaMillions jackpot are still 1 in 250 million. For more chances at winning it big, try the PowerBall Pattern Analysis site as well for more dynamic lottery statistics.

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I suppose that's the prerogative of an original classification source.

Try your hand at fate and use the site's continuously updating statistical analysis of the MegaMillions and PowerBall lotteries to choose "smarter" number. Remember, you don't have to win the jackpot to win money from the lottery!

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