Tag : Finance
If you want to invest, skip the markets, just invest in the banks.
[1,921 page views]
FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) is a leading tenant in allowing Wall Street's practice of false "Market Making" to perpetually screw with the economy.
[8,150 page views]
As much as I despise the finance industry, these protesters really just strike me as deluded idiots thinking this would change anything.
[2,123 page views]
When the financial wizards really get their act together, it'll be a one time windfall for one and disaster for everyone else.
[1,820 page views]
I really enjoy watching the big kingpins that profit off everyone else suffer.
[1,601 page views]
Your economic future is regularly torn apart by the idiots running Wall Street.
[5,419 page views]