Tag : Politics
I suppose if the Soldiers are on a "soft shoe profile" that doesn't count as boots.
[1,700 page views]
It's hard to take a country seriously when their President is this stupid.
[1,841 page views]
It's amazing how dismal the perspective is on our government leadership.
[3,747 page views]
The first rules of assassination is you DON'T TALK ABOUT ASSASSINATION!
[2,959 page views]
Congress does not seem to understand the authority it holds from the Constitution. The ability to end any presence of American forces overseas rests entirely in their hands.
[14,601 page views]
"I don't know my job" is not acceptable anywhere else in the military, why does cyber accept that in it's leadership ranks?
[2,030 page views]
Although it's the typical Spy vs Spy exchange, other nations use their collected information for corporate, economic profit.
[4,125 page views]
Are there really people that still believe US adversaries aren't taking advantage of the US?
[3,127 page views]
Was there value to releasing the report publicly - especially if core information is still not available publicly anyway?
[1,535 page views]
You just can't make this stuff up ... but supporters don't think any of it is a problem.
[1,462 page views]
Politicians and their plotting are why we can't have nice things.
[2,929 page views]
The manner in which the transition team posed their inquiry at the Department of Energy should concern any Federal employee regarding the future.
[3,549 page views]
Viewing the "sandal thrower" as success is not obvious - until you consider this never would have happened under the prior regime.
[4,456 page views]
I wonder if there ought to be a separate doomsday clock unrelated to nuclear weapons so more appropriate "timekeepers" can be tied to it.
[1,767 page views]
Americans don't realize how easy they have it in political change compared to everyone else in the world.
[2,092 page views]
Everyone thinks they're the big dog until the real big dog bites them - even if it's a little dog in a big doghouse.
[2,105 page views]
Considering Bill Clinton's history with North Korea, this particular one just defies logic.
[3,001 page views]
Considering they have all the seized counterfeit money, this should have been easier.
[1,804 page views]
Do the ends justify the means if it endangers everyone going forward?
[3,792 page views]
The elite definitely look down upon national service as an occupation that is beneath them.
[41,173 page views]
That whole Federal Records Act of 1950 was apparently more of a suggestion than a law.
[1,672 page views]
Despite a general poor turnout of American voters and terrible electronic security, compared to other countries, US voters have it pretty good.
[3,829 page views]
There's an inevitable trust paradox when it comes to working with nuclear weapons.
[2,083 page views]
Perhaps America’s apparent distaste for our President should be appropriately redirected to the Congress complicit with the President’s actions?
[4,448 page views]
Let's just lay that all out there and see what everyone thinks.
[1,485 page views]
If the robot actually costs LESS than the human ... does it make sense?
[3,143 page views]
I hope Snowden is enjoying all his data privacy where he fled to.
[2,426 page views]
Despite the eradication of the disease, stockpiles still exist and the anti-vaxxers aren't helping the cause.
[2,243 page views]
When constituents actually have a fear of being drafted, politicians should be less likely to send their voting base into combat.
[10,113 page views]
I suppose that's the prerogative of an original classification source.
[2,941 page views]
An explanation of why China normalized it's foreign policy relations with the United States in 1972 can be found using the Balance of Threat and Hegemonic Stability theories.
[22,709 page views]
North Korea is that kid who agrees not to take your lunch money in exchange for not hitting you and then hits you again for more lunch money.
[1,810 page views]